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David Wilcock and Corey Goode Discussing Full Disclosure

Full Disclosure vs. Partial Disclosure

credit: David Wilcock I Devine Cosmos YouTube Channel

credit: David Wilcock I Devine Cosmos YouTube Channel

Proponents of full disclosure, David Wilcock and Corey Goode have put forth an information filled video on YouTube called “David Wilcock | Corey Goode: Endgame II– The Antarctic Atlantis ET Ruins/ Cabal Rescue Plan” that, if you have been paying attention to the news over the last few months, you would have heard stories that back up some of the points made. If you recall, Secretary of State John Kerry recently made a trip to Antarctica, while on the surface this seems rather dull, but listen to the video and see if it could mean more! Remember the stories of spirit cooking and pizza-gate that have been swept under the rug? If the video is truthful, the information in it is mind blowing. I recommend you watch the video below, think of news stories you have heard over the last year, then decide for yourself.